Early Childhood Programs

This program consists of the Montessori stream as well as the Kindergarten method. It is based on co-operative learning and interpersonal interactions.

Montessori System | 2.5 – 5 years

An Italian physician, Dr. Maria Montessori, founded and ideated this well-known system. At PIS, inspired by this system, we initiate learning between 2.5 to 3.2 years of age. Under the guidance of special Montessori-trained teachers and enveloped in the warmth of their individual attention, your child will work with stimulating materials, develop higher concentration skills, and a love for learning.

Some salient features of PIS Montessori environment are:

  • It is a multi-age group, based on the Montessori philosophy that older children set an example and often share learnings with their younger counterparts.
  • The Montessori system develops a sense of responsibility and independence in children.
  • Activity-based learning is the essence of this methodology.
  • A daily routine of prayer time, brain-gym time, rhyme time, work time, and playtime, is established right at the beginning of the session.
  • Colour days (children and teachers who come to school dressed in the color of the day) are observed with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.
  • Festivals, events, annual days, parent’s day, etc. are also observed according to the school calendar.
  • Music is an inherent part of the pre-primary routine.
  • Great emphasis is also laid on developing a love for books through the school reading program. A special time is allocated for reading, Storytelling, and activities to build their comprehension, spelling, and appreciation for the written word.
  • To improve motor skills and focus on the importance of play and learning, our Montessori children spend a designated amount of time enjoying themselves at the school sandpit.

Kindergarten Method | 4 – 5 years

Kindergarten which literally translates into “children’s garden” supports a preschool educational environment for young children. The term originates from Friedrich Froebel’s belief that children should be taken care of and nourished with the teacher’s care like plants in a garden.

Some salient features of the Kindergarten classes include workspaces that encourage independent thinking, a physical environment that promotes autonomy and classroom boards that reflect children’s original work.

The methodology of teaching instruction consists of modeling where the teacher models the alphabet or number that she is teaching for the day. Specific instructions and directions are provided to the children to scaffold them through the learning process. Routines are kept in place to provide children with a sense of security and self-discipline. These routines include storytime, rhyme time, yoga time, outdoor playtime, and writing skills practice time.

The essence of the curriculum covers topics such as basic number concepts, geometric shapes, letters of the alphabet, color identification, oral topics, clay activities that are driven around a cultural theme, and various literacy-based activities.

The Kindergarten teacher builds on skills such as oral- language, social interaction, building fine motor skills, listening skills, and building an enthusiasm towards learning.

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