“The set of educational practices performed by students inside and outside school based on the nature of the activity.”
Science Fair
Olympiad Exams for all subjects
Language Fest -debates, poetry recitation, etc.
Quiz Competitions (general knowledge, subject-specific)
Project exhibitions (social science, science, technology)
Coding and Robotics Club
Literary Club (book reviews, creative writing)
Science Club (experiments, demonstrations)
Math Club (problem-solving, puzzles)
Language Club (language learning, cultural exchange)
Poetry Recitation
Conveying a poem’s sense with its language.
Computer Language
System of communication with a computer.
Essay Writing
Fashioning a coherent set of ideas into an argument.
Story Writing
Narrating of real or imaginary events, involving real or imaginary people.
Handwriting Competition
To create awareness among students and the school management the importance of Handwriting.
Story Narration
Short story, poem, or academic essay, we’re looking at a form of narration.
Quiz Competition
Game or competition in which someone tests your knowledge by asking you questions.
Group Discussion
A discussion involving a number of people who are connected by some shared activity, interest, or quality.